Crystal Therapy
Crystal therapy is a complementary and natural approach, meaning it can be used alongside traditional medicine and has no negative side-effects. The benefits of crystal therapy are varied and take place on several different levels.
Perhaps the most common benefit reported is the deep relaxation that takes place during a session. This type of relaxation helps aid general well-being and is particularly useful when treating stress and anxiety. It can also help ease tense muscles which can help improve physical pain and sleeping problems.
On an emotional and spiritual level, crystals can help enhance self-esteem, encourage clarity and inspire a sense of peace and centeredness.
Anyone can enjoy these benefits, however, if you are sceptical about the process you will naturally close yourself off, because of this, having an open mind and no preconceptions or assumptions is key.
Crystal therapy has been used for centuries to help treat the body holistically for various ailments. The uses of these beautiful minerals date back to Egyptian times when they were said to be used to purge ‘evil spirits.’
These days, thanks to celebrities such as Victoria Beckham, Ella Woodward, Madonna, and Katy Perry promoting the benefits, crystal therapy has shrugged off its ‘hippy’ image and has gained a much bigger following from those looking to heal their body naturally and ensure all-round wellbeing.