Crystal Therapy in the comfort of your home
Crystal energy has no limits of space and time, it can be sent to anyone, anywhere in the world as effectively as though the person was in my treatment room.
This is one of the many wonderful benefits of distance healing.
I can use zoom or phone you for your initial consultation and to arrange your distance healing session.
You may wish to receive healing prior to/during/after medical treatment or surgery or if you have exams or an interview . Alternatively, it can be sent during the night while you sleep, we can decide all this in your consultation.
At the dedicated time that we have set I will make a beautiful crystal grid connecting with the energy field of you and send healing through focused thought and intention to you wherever you may be.
Distance does not limit the effects of healing, it is a very convenient way to receive healing without travelling to my therapy room. Many of my clients are long-distance or international and without this method of healing I would of never been able to help support them.
Your Healing Space
I would recommend setting up a healing space at home.
Light some candles, play some relaxing music snuggle up in your favourite blanket.
You can be seated or you may wish to lie down the most important thing is that you’re warm and comfortable
Many of my clients that have received distance healing often relate to the accuracy of the information and feedback I have given following their session and report a positive release of emotions, as though their feelings and experiences have been validated and they have an understanding and acceptance of the healing needed at that time. This can be liberating, encouraging and empowering for a client.
As with all Crystal treatments distance or in person it will provide you with all the healing needed at that exact moment in time for your highest and purest good.
To gain the most benefit from your treatment, drink plenty of water to help flush away toxins, try to avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours, avoid eating heavy meals, and take it easy for the rest of the day.
Distance healing lifts boundaries - if you:
Live in a different area or country.
Live close by but without transport
Are housebound through illness, disability, elderly
Work long and unsocial hours
Hospitalised, e.g. need support while you are having surgery / medical treatment
Have family responsibilities preventing you from getting to an in-person session
Have a health or wellbeing emergency
Feel that you need healing and cannot wait for your next appointment
Distance Crystal Therapy can be a stand-alone treatment or you can combine it with Reiki.
Whilst Crystal Therapy can be enjoyed as a one-off relaxation session, the therapeutic effects of Crystal Therapy are cumulative.
A course of six treatments is recommended to experience any changes to acute or long-term conditions.
After an initial course, I would recommend a session once every two to four weeks as a preventative and maintenance programme.
I truly believe that holistic treatments are not a luxury, but rather a stepping stone on the pathway to wellness.
“The most important investment you will ever make is in You!”
I look forward to working alongside you on your journey to wellbeing and finding balance within.
Much Love Clare xx
“I’ve just had another beautiful distance crystal healing session with Clare and as usual it was very relaxing. Even though I’m in Australia, the healing reaches me quickly and effectively and the sensations are just as intense as being in her treatment room. I highly recommend this healing. I always feel deeply relaxed and energised afterwards. Thanks Clare for your wonderful service!”
“Due to Covid I’ve just had a Distance Crystal Therapy Session with Clare which was soo relaxing and very similar to actually being in her lovely treatment room. I feel bright, energised and refreshed. Highly Recommend. Thanks Clare🥰”