woman smiling

You've arrived here because you're ready to take the next step on your journey towards well-being and self-discovery.

I'm thrilled to connect with you and support you on this path.

There are several ways you can reach out to me, so choose the one that feels most comfortable for you.

Email: Feel free to send me an email at claremarieholistictherapies@gmail.com.

Whether you have questions, want more information about my services, or are ready to schedule a session, I'm here to assist you. I aim to respond to emails promptly, so you can expect a timely and thoughtful reply.

Text: 07703 793218

Please include your name and the reason for reaching out, whether it's about Reiki sessions, workshop bookings, or any other inquiry. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Phone Call: 07703 793218.

If I'm unavailable at the moment, please leave a detailed message, including your name, contact information, and the nature of your inquiry. I'll make it a priority to return your call at my earliest convenience.

woman stood with koshi chime
woman holding feet

Lodge Cottage

Wet Lane


SY14 7DR

Email: claremarieholistictherapies@gmail.com

Phone: 07703 793218

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