Chakra Balancing with Crystals, Reflexology & Reiki

  • Full Consultation via e-mail - Evaluating where you are right now in every area of your life, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health

  • 6 individual tailored treatments

  • A carefully blended aromatherapy product will be made bespoke just for you to use at home between your sessions to enhance your experience or choose a crystal to support you and receive a heart connection ritual to the crystal

“The most important investment you will ever make is in You!”

Chakra means ‘wheel’ and this refers to the energy points within your body, they are thought to be spinning disks of energy throughout your body that should stay aligned and ‘open’ due to them being linked to many nerves, major organs and areas of our body which effect our physical and emotional well being. There are many reasons a chakra can be blocked such as chronic illness, addiction, being stuck in a unhealthy pattern and emotional overload.

Crystals, Reflexology and Reiki Chakra Balancing is blending the energies of Crystals and Reiki while working on the Chakra reflexes of the feet to realign and ‘open them. .

Excellent for overall energy clearing, supporting your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body

A truly beautiful treatment, allowing you to come home to yourself

chakra crystal healing

Each treatment will be tailored to your needs by incorporating an in-depth consultation to discuss any presenting conditions and symptoms, as well as previous medical history.

This information is used to create a bespoke treatment plan that is designed, specifically to target your needs which will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure the treatments meet your needs.

During the first session I will look at you as a whole and review your current situation; whether it is physical, your diet, exercise routine or perhaps your job or home life, and I will take these into account when preparing your treatment plan.

Whilst Chakra Balancing can be enjoyed as a one-off relaxation session, the therapeutic effects are cumulative.  Ad hoc session £70

A course of six treatments is recommended to experience any changes to acute or long-term conditions.

Ad hoc session are available 1 hour £75

After an initial course, I would recommend coming for a session once every two to four weeks as a preventative and maintenance programme.

I truly believe that holistic treatments are not a luxury, but rather a stepping stone on the pathway to wellness. 

“The most important investment you will ever make is in You!”

I look forward to working alongside you on your journey to well-being and finding balance within.

Much Love Clare xx