NEPIP ~ NeuroEndoPsychoImmunoPody
Neurology – the study of the Nervous System
Endocrinology – the study of the Endocrine System
Psychology – the study of the mind and behavior (in Greek the word psyche means spirit or soul)
Immunology – the study of the Immune System
Pody - means feet in Greek
This is an advanced reflexology protocol, which only reflexologist's trained to a level 5 Practitioner can perform.
NEPIP is an amazing treatment at the cutting edge of reflexology. It is particularly effective in supporting people suffering from stress and anxiety.
It uses advanced protocols which work on the principle of increasing the flow of communication between the mind, immune, endocrine and nervous systems, all of which are involved with and can also be adversely affected by stress.
Stress ~ We all encounter stress at some point in our lives whether this is in a negative or positive way. This can be from moving house, birth of a child, getting a promotion, the loss of a loved one, the pressures of work and so on. All of these changes can bring about stress and how our body deals with it can be on a physical, mental or emotional level.
Stress can be very damaging to our health if it continues for long periods of time, undermining the body’s immunity and your ability to repair and regulate yourself.
Below are a few example of conditions brought on by stress that reflexology can support you with:
Poor Sleep ~ Insomnia ~ Digestive Disorders ~ Headaches ~ Fatigue ~ Increase Blood Pressure ~ Increase Heart Rate ~ Anxiety ~ Muscle Tension
This treatment also involves guided intentions which are shared with you if you wish. Some clients have reported their sessions have felt spiritual, very calming and healing.
Each treatment will be tailored to your needs by incorporating an in-depth consultation to discuss any presenting conditions and symptoms, as well as previous medical history.
This information is used to create a bespoke treatment plan that is designed specifically to target your needs which will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure the treatments meet your needs.
During the first sessions I will look at you as a whole and look into your current situation; whether it is physical, your diet, exercise routine or perhaps your job or home life, and will take these into account when preparing your treatment plan.
Whilst reflexology can be enjoyed as a one-off relaxation session, the therapeutic effects of reflexology are cumulative. Ad hoc £60
A course of six treatments is recommended to experience any changes to acute or long-term conditions.
After an initial course, I would recommend coming for a session once every two to four weeks as a preventative and maintenance programme.
I truly believe that holistic treatments are not a luxury, but rather a stepping stone on the pathway to wellness.
“The most important investment you will ever make is in You!”
I look forward to working alongside you on your journey to well-being and finding balance within.
Much Love Clare xx
“I have been struggling with stress and anxiety for a few years now, even though I am under my GP I felt I would like to try a holistic approach as appose to relying on medication.
I booked myself in for 6 sessions and found them very enjoyable and relaxing it helped me stop and switch off for a while.
The sessions helped me to reduce and control anxiety levels and gave me the opportunity to relax and review how I was feeling.
My overall well being improved as it helped me recognise my anxiety levels and to help provide me with a coping mechanism.
I have booked myself in for a further 6 sessions. I’m truly grateful to Clare for the time she has spent with me and the techniques she has taught me to use in between session. ”