Mindfulness Reflexology

Many of us are living with stress, anxiety, and depression and therefore life can feel pretty hard at times, Mindfulness Reflexology is a fantastic way of supporting you.

I can offer you a range of self-help techniques and general advice to help improve your mental and emotional wellbeing.

This beautiful treatment has the option of starting with a guided meditation to bring you into the present moment, allowing you to fully relax and connect with yourself.

I will be using reflexology techniques that have been developed to help focus on areas of the body that are involved in both the stress reaction and those that may be affected with long term stress, I will also be working the lower legs as well as the feet, so wear something comfy that can be rolled up to the knees.

Benefits of living mindfully

Many people are not aware of the huge strain that they are under often because their way of living has become the norm and it is only when they slow down or take time out that they realise how much pressure they are under.

For some people, it even takes a serious health scare to make them slow down and take stock of their lives. This obviously is something that most people want to avoid and fortunately, it can be by being mindful and practicing self-care. There are many benefits to mindful living;

  • Helps combat stress

  • Helps with depression

  • Helps with anxiety

  • Learning how to be responsive and not reactive

  • Makes you more relaxed

  • Improves sleep quality

  • Promotes compassion towards yourself and others

Each treatment will be tailored to your needs by incorporating an in-depth consultation to discuss any presenting conditions and symptoms, as well as previous medical history.

This information is used to create a bespoke treatment plan that is designed, specifically to target your needs which will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure the treatments meet your needs.

During the first session I will look at you as a whole and review your current situation; whether it is physical, your diet, exercise routine or perhaps your job or home life, and I will take these into account when preparing your treatment plan.

Whilst reflexology can be enjoyed as a one-off relaxation session, the therapeutic effects of reflexology are cumulative.  Ad hoc £60

A course of six treatments is recommended to experience any changes to acute or long-term conditions.

After an initial course, I would recommend coming for a session once every two to four weeks as a preventative and maintenance programme.

I truly believe that holistic treatments are not a luxury, but rather a stepping stone on the pathway to wellness. 

“The most important investment you will ever make is in You!”

I look forward to working alongside you on your journey to well-being and finding balance within.

Much Love Clare xx